Deeba's Daycare
Call Us Today!
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Our Services

Jimmy conover djez zk7cty unsplash
Infant Care

Infant Care

Kelli mcclintock u3sjbd72tl0 unsplash
Toddler Care

Toddler Care

Siniz kim lz3o2q4me0q unsplash
Music Classes For Kids

Music Classes For Kids

    It can be not easy adjusting your work schedule around the school hours of your children.

    At Deeba's Daycare, we offer exceptional home day care services, so the little ones are properly taken care of during your busy day.

    Our extended hours accommodate any situation, allowing parents with early morning shifts to commute faster or those with long nights to finish paperwork related to work.

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Colin maynard 2k24 9udzu0 unsplash

Call (206) 331-1792 to book an appointment for your child's care today.

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